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Lab report

Honey, Dish soap, tomato, bolt, water, colorant and oil. 

Hypothesis:The honey will be on the bottom because its denser than the other substances

Procedure: First, we measured 50 ml of each substance (water, oil, soap and honey) after that we put it in the test tube, (we started with the honey) after a lot of work putting the honey into the test tube, because its very dense, we continued with the soap, after that we putted the oil and last but not least, we putted water. And after all of this, we added the tomato to see in which level it ended and the bolt.

Explanation of the experiment:

In this experiment we put honey, dish soap, oil and water in a beaker to see which one would end up at the bottom and which one will end up at the top. So, as you can see in the image, the 4 different substances didn't mix and honey need up in the bottom because but was the substance that was more dense and water ended up in the top because it was the one that was not as dense as the others

Conclusions: We were right, the honey ended up in the bottom because of its density. 
At first, all the substances were separated, but after a few minutes they started mixing more

We also didn't bring the right amount of honey so that was a little bad for the experiment

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