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By: Juan Sebastian Torres Ocampo,  Maria Alejandra Benitez, Valeria Pinzon and Isabella Gonzalez 7-C


In this website you will see different lab reports we did throughout the first unit of this year. In this first unit, we have done experiments about density, such as one where we mixed 4 substances: water, honey, soap and oil and we compared if they mixed or not and what substance will end up at the bottom and what will end up at the top. In the other experiment we found different masses and volume of different solids such as a dice or a marble. And in the last experiment of this unit we mixed oil and water and then we separated them, and we also had 2 apples, one rotten and the other one in good condition and 2 bolts one rusty and the other in good conditions and we compared them 

Quiénes somos


Matter helps us to know more about what surround us and what we are composed of. For example, before I learnt about matter, I didn't know that air was matter and all that. It also helps us, because some of us will like to become scientists when we grow up, so this topic really helps us to be one step closer to achieving that goal. Also, matter is really basic and general culture, so it also helps us to be intelligent people


La materia nos ayuda a saber más sobre lo que nos rodea y de qué estamos compuestos. Por ejemplo, antes de aprender sobre la materia, no sabía que el aire era materia y todo eso. También nos ayuda, porque a algunos de nosotros nos gustaría convertirnos en científicos cuando crezcamos, por lo que este tema realmente nos ayuda a estar un paso más cerca de lograr ese objetivo. Además, la materia es realmente una cultura básica y generalizada, por lo que también nos ayuda a ser personas inteligentes.

states of matter.jpg

Background info

Matter is anything that takes up space. Anything you can touch, smell and others is matter. There are different types of matter, these are: Solid, liquid and gas.  Matter can also be anything that has a volume and mass, volume is the amount of space taken up or occupied by an object, and mass is the amount of matter something is made of.

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